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Lease Document Insight Module

Lease document intelligence immediately understands the related covenants, terms, and conditions.


Understand details of lease terms, conditions, and complex covenants

Claira's document intelligence technology understands and interprets all the information described in lease documents.

Sample Insights

  • Establishment of Lockbox Account

  • Details of Cash Management Account

  • Cash Trap Trigger Events

  • Calc method for Debt Yield/DSCR based triggers

  • Property Characteristic Based Triggers

  • Impact of Cash Trap Triggers

  • Control Changes of Cash Accounts

  • Funding of Cash Reserves

  • Cashflow Waterfall Changes

  • Key Deal Attributes, i.e. issuer, date & identifiers

Connect To File Repositories Or Drag & Drop

Claira’s pretrained algorithm allows you to simply upload relevant prospectus and immediately understand the cash management details of the deal. 

Integrate your trading or portfolio systems to scale outcomes by your exposure.

Review Understanding of Prescribing Sentences

Avoid having to read or search through the 500 page prospectus’. Claira highlights relevant sentences it understood to determine the generated insight. 

Share and escalate document results within the platform for further action.

Download insight data for downstream analysis

Export deal level summary and sentence level insight data as a CSV/EXCEL file or via an API. 

Desired analytics can be customized to your portfolio needs.

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Contact Claira for prospective & retrospective contract lifecycle management, financial contract management, greater insight scenarios regarding Private Credit, Note Purchase Agreements (NPA's), Initial Margin, Collateral Optimization, Credit Defaults/Downgrades & Other Legal/Regulatory Risk items.

Claira's advanced data science capability provides the most innovative legal contract management insights and more intelligent solutions for remediating, drafting or amending documents from scratch, through self-defined templates or from file extract and merge processes.

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